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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 51 - December 23, 2021

(Published in the Kansas Register December 23, 2021.)

South Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad

Request for Proposals

Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal for providing materials for the proposed South Kansas and Oklahoma (SKOL) Railroad project.

Scope of Work

Call for bids for materials for the Frank Phillips Boulevard Crossing – Bartlesville, OK:

  • Provide all materials called for to complete all track construction work. A comprehensive list of materials and associated quantities will be provided to supplier upon request.

Additional details concerning the scope of work associated with each portion of the project will be addressed in the pre-proposal meeting.


The following documents shall be submitted by the Contractor as part of the project at the times listed:

  • Schedule of Material Delivery – submitted with proposal


All materials shall meet the requirements found in the project plans and/or specifications as well as applicable AREMA requirements. Material storage is granted on railroad right of way to the contractor. However, no materials shall be stored closer than 15’ from the centerline of any active track at any time. Material and equipment laydown areas and reclaimed materials stockpiling locations shall be discussed and further clarified at the pre-proposal meeting. All removed materials remain property of the SKOL Railroad, to be stockpiled as directed by a railroad representative.

Non-Project Areas

The SKOL Railroad has secured access to the project through the railroad right of way. Other access may be obtained by the contractor if he/she so chooses. All areas (public, private, and railroad right of way) that are used for access to the project, including parts of the railroad right of way which have no proposed work, shall be maintained and/or remediated, incidental to the project, by the contractor to the satisfaction of the property owner if any damage to these areas occurs.

Submission of a Proposal

All proposals must be submitted to Cameron Ginther at no later than 3:00 p.m. Friday, January 14, 2022. All submitted proposals shall be reviewed by the SKOL Railroad and the State of Kansas. Please ensure your proposal includes all required information. All late or incomplete proposals shall be rejected. The structure of your proposal must be able to be clearly understood, all proposals shall provide the following line items and provide costs as required below:

For further information or questions regarding the request for proposals or submittal of a proposal, please contact: Alicia Stimpson, Purchasing Manager – Projects at 208-421-3476 or; or Cameron Ginther, Project Manager at 785-513-6049 or

Cameron Ginther

Doc. No. 049653